Archive for September 2013

Can you help me ?

The last couple of days, I have encountered meetings with wonderful souls and have managed to read though some of your FB statuses. One of them that stood out was from Yasmin Ahmad who has to deal with people who say that they do not need to attend any of her training as they are already trainers and that they are the “Subject Matter Experts”. I too have met my share of people who say they know everything there is to know already. When people say that, it only shows that they are hiding behind a protective wall afraid to show that they are in fact NOT all that.

I get that we are a society that is built mainly on meritocracy. We have to be good or even great to stay ahead. We have been trained to say things that do not show any form of weakness. I notice however, that this has gotten deep into their subconscious and that people have generally become afraid to show their vulnerabilities and admit any form of weakness.

“Oh! I am a trainer, I do not need to attend any more training”… “I am the boss, I don’t need your opinions. What I say goes!”… “I am the teacher. What I teach is right, whatever you think otherwise is wrong”… “I am the parent…” well you get the idea. I love what Lavin Seow said over our lunch date, “It shows strength when you admit your weaknesses”.

Yes, trainers need to trained, teachers to be educated, coaches need coaching, and motivators need motivation too. We are all human. We are not perfect. I love that one of my friends who is an Ustaz (religious teacher) who shares with me that in his work, he reminds others to do Good and yet he has to fight his own demons sometimes. He says he is grateful that his wife is his constant reminder and companion who encourages and motivates him. Because of that too, he is reminded to not be judgmental and preachy to others.

We are not alone. We all have each other and all it takes is to ask for help and there are hands that are just waiting to reach out to give help.

I saw this happen in just a few days this week when Zeal Zainuddin and Sheik M James Splinter managed to raise money to help build more than 5 wells in Cambodia (so far), pay the salaries of teachers, buy books and clothe the toddlers who will otherwise run around naked because they don’t have money for clothes.

Let’s be a society of people full of compassion. People who raise each other up. People who are not afraid to ask for help. People who say its OK if we are not perfect. People who forgive. People who SPREAD LOVE & RESPECT.

you become the 5 people who spend time with

Add a comment September 27, 2013

Girl! You MUST be tired !

So…Do I NOT get tired with all these activities like back to back training, travel, coaching, building entrepreneur hubs, taking care of family etc? I have often been asked this…and yes, I do feel overwhelmed sometimes. I have mentioned to some of my close friends that sometimes all I want is to just take a really long nap while someone gives me a full body massage until I am ready to get up. While I do make at least a day a month for a treat like this for ME (with the money from my PLAY jar), I have this constant yearn to connect with others. I started feeling this push ever since I made a commitment to live my life SPREADING LOVE & RESPECT.

This I feel the moment I step into a room where I am conducting a training for a roomful of people. I often sense the energy of hope, some anger, some frustration, some happiness and a mixture of all sorts of emotional energies from people with different life stories. I get excited when I feel transformation happening in the room when we start our lesson. It’s something I just cannot describe.

It’s a similar feeling when I travel. Those who knew me from long ago (as in before my marriage) would know that I like to travel alone or join a group I don’t really know. I learned to release some of my own deep set anger and self-esteem issues, get to know myself better, learn to LOVE me, and release my own prejudices when I stay with locals and get to know them better.

Connecting with people, getting to know them, learning about our human behavior and psyche makes me want to get my sometimes heavy behind out there to connect with more people. Travelling gets me to feel a different vibration and puts me in a different level of vibration and awareness. I love that my husband too has this LOVE for connecting with different people and communities. I find that when I am connecting with different people, I learn to LOVE my Creator even more and feel HIS LOVE for all of us.

So yes, even this motivator needs motivation sometimes. I am just grateful for the people I have chosen to surround myself with. People who step in at the right time to remind me of what I need to do. I will keep on doing this work as long as my BODY, MIND and HEART are all still in working conditions because this SPIRIT within me keeps telling me that this has been good so far and that I can always do better.

So whatever that “better” may be, I will continue to keep on connecting with others, spreading the LOVE & RESPECT, getting people to do the same for themselves and others, and while all in this sometimes chaotic and busy process, I get to know ME better. And I am falling in LOVE with me. Just as I LOVE the souls that I get to connect with in the process. We are all in this together. SPREAD LOVE & RESPECT!

love and respect banner

Add a comment September 24, 2013






September 2013

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